Messaging in the Micro-Moment

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Media is no longer the leading source of discovery for audiences and consumers; Google search through mobile devices is. In this era of micro-moments, public relations must begin asking “are we are there?” instead of “did we get coverage?”.

In the past 10 years, mobile has gone from 2% to 79% penetration, dramatically shifting how people navigate the internet and find products and services. Over 93% of all online interactions begin with a search and if your organization is not on the first page of a Google Search, people won’t find you.

To be present and successful, organizations need to focus on capturing audiences during their micro-moments—instances when they’re searching for information while in the middle of an activity.

Martin Waxman, APR, identifies the following four types of micro-moments:

  • I want to know: when someone is exploring or researching, but not necessarily in purchase mode.
  • I want to go: when someone is looking for a local business or is considering buying a product at a nearby store.
  • I want to do: when someone wants help completing a task or trying something new.
  • I want to buy: when someone is ready to make a purchase and may need help deciding what to buy or how to buy it.

Over 93% of all online interactions begin with a search and if your organization is not on the first page of a Google Search, people won’t find you.


To capitalize on micro-moments, organizations need to develop messaging that is mobile-first and focused on intent rather than demographics.

Consumers needs will always supersede brand loyalty. For example, 40% of baby products are purchased by people who live in homes without children; however, most marketing continues to target new parents. Consumers also need platforms where the emphasis is placed on function rather than aesthetic; 40% of prospective consumers will leave if a page on a travel or retail website does not load in less than three seconds.

Organizations have unprecedented access to audiences across the world; however, the window to reach them is smaller than ever. By delivering mobile and intent-driven messaging during micro-moments, the opportunity for success increases exponentially.


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